IPL uses specific wavelengths between the 400 nm to 1200 nm range. The frequency and energy levels can be configured to effectively treat a range of different skin types and conditions.

Broad spectrum pulsed light is used to shine onto the skin, and different wavelengths are absorbed by different components of the skin, such as blood or melanin, and therefore, targeting different skin concerns. Following the stimulation with IPL, the body's natural processes are activated to rejuvenate the area, giving your skin a youthful and fresh appearance.


Reduces pigmentation

Reduces acne

Reduces pores

Reduces skin irregularities

Treats spider veins

Treats vascular lesions

Treats rosacea

Treats fine lines and wrinkles

Frequently asked questions

  • What is IPL?

    IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light, which is a cosmetic treatment that uses a broad spectrum of light to target and treat various skin conditions such as pigmentation, sun damage, acne, redness and rosacea, and spider veins.

  • What are the benefits of IPL?

    Reduction of pigmentation and age spots.

    Improvement in skin texture and reduction of fine lines.

    Improve active acne and stabilise the skin.

    Reduce inflammation in redness prone skin

    Stimulation of collagen production, resulting in firmer and smoother skin.

  • How is IPL done?

    During an IPL treatment, a handheld device is used to deliver short bursts of high-intensity light to the skin. The light is absorbed by the pigmented or damaged skin cells, which causes them to break down and be naturally removed by the body.

    IPL treatments are usually done in a series of sessions, with each session lasting about 20-30 minutes.

  • What does the IPL procedure involve?

    You will need to have a skin patch test prior to your first treatment. A small area on the side of the face will be treated and observed for about 20mins or so. If there are no reactions, we can continue to the full face treatment. Before the procedure, a cooling gel is applied to the skin to minimise any discomfort. The device is then placed on the skin, and a flash of light is emitted, which can cause a mild stinging or snapping sensation.

  • What should I expect after having IPL?

    After the treatment, there may be some redness, swelling, or darkening of the treated area, which usually subsides within a few hours to a few days. However, most people do not have any down time at all. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight and wear sunscreen during the healing process.

  • How many treatments of IPL will I need?

    The number of IPL treatments needed depends on the skin condition being treated, but typically, a series of 3-6 treatments spaced about 3-4 weeks apart is recommended.

  • Aftercare for IPL

    Aftercare may include avoiding direct sunlight, wearing sunscreen, and avoiding any harsh skin products for a few days after the procedure.

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